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  • Can I cancel my membership at anytime?
    Yes, you can cancel your membership at anytime. You must provide written notice (email) that you intend to cancel your membership before the 1st of the month (i.e. before the next billing cycle). Your membership will end on the last day of the month in which you submitted your cancellation. Requests to cancel your membership after the first of the month will not be refunded.
  • Can I pause my membership?
    All members are entitled to pause their membership for one consecutive 3 month period.
  • Is there a discount if I prepay for an annual membership?
    We offer generous membership discounts to students who are committed to training long-term. 10% off a 6 month prepaid membership and 15% off a 12 month prepaid membership ( a savings of over 175 dollars).
  • I am new to Muay Thai. What should I expect?
    Beginner students start with Bag Work class. A typical class will include stretching, jumping rope, shadow boxing, and several rounds of work on the heavy bag. As you progress, you will begin taking Pad Work class. Students work with a partner, taking turns practicing techniques using hand-held Thai pads. These are the two primary classes you will take until you progress to an intermediate level and begin Technical Sparring class. Students of all levels train together, sharing helpful information, and fostering an environment of mutual betterment.
  • What gear do I need for class?
    Required Muay Thai gear: gloves, shin guards, wraps, mouth guard, and Thai shorts. Required Kali gear: 2 rattan sticks, 2 rubber knives & safety glasses. You can purchase these items through our shop, or you may source them on the internet. Please review our gear list for recommended vendors and products. You do not need your own gear if you are taking a trial class. You are welcome to use our communal gear while you try out our programs.
  • Do you offer Kali training for Law Enforcement?
    Filipino martial arts training provides essential tactical skills for US military and law enforcement personnel. We offer customized individual and group training options to help meet the needs of local law enforcement.
  • Do you offer self-defense programs?
    Kali is a weapons-based martial art that includes hand-to-hand combat, joint locks, grappling, and weapon disarming techniques. Students interested in learning self-defense techniques would be hard-pressed to find a more complete fighting system anywhere on the globe.
  • I'm visiting from out of town. Can I still train at your facility?
    Out-of-town visitors are always invited to train with us. Contact us at for more details about our weekly drop-in training rate.
  • This is my first Kali Class. What should I expect?
    Kali Class
  • This is my child's first Muay Thai class. What should I expect?
    A typical kids Muay Thai class will include warm-up exercises, stretching, jumping rope, bag work, and partner training drills. Students do not spar, though they will practice partner training drills to help refine technique. Enrolled students will need gloves, shin guards, and Thai boxing shorts for class. Parents will receive a monthly progress report with tips to further develop their child's skills through at-home training.
  • Do you offer private lessons?
    Yes, we offer private and semi-private training in all of our programs.
  • I don't want to get hurt, but can I still take Muay Thai?
    First time Muay Thai students begin their training by developing skills on the heavy bag. Working individually on the bag, you will practice striking techniques using your hands, feet, knees and elbows. You train at your own pace. Students typically progress quickly to Pad Work class, where you work with rotating partners using Thai pads. Students are in no way rushed in their development, nor pressured into sparring if they don't wish to participate. Many students who may have been hesitant to spar, find themselves eager to test their skills once they've reached a certain level of proficiency.
  • How does the free trial work?
    Contact us to schedule your free class. Meet our coaches and try out our programs. You are welcome to use our community gear for class during your trial. We ask that you arrive 15 minutes before the start of class to sign our waiver and get set up.
  • Do you have changing rooms, showers, and lockers?
    At this time, we provide changing rooms and a communal storage space for your things. We do not provide showers.
  • Do you follow a ranking system?
    No, we do not follow a ranking system. Traditionally, rankings in Muay Thai are based on professional competition, and titles are won in the ring. We do not follow a ranking system for Kali.
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